Steal the Dead Queen's Amulet

女王は数日前に亡くなりました。そして、まあ、女王はまだ死んでいます。だから彼女のお守りを持って行こう! 女王が目を覚ます前に!

The Queen died a few days ago. And, well, the queen is still dead. So let's take her amulet! Before the Queen wakes up!

This is an entry for the A Game By Its Cover game jam, based on Namada's entry to the My Famicon Exhibition 2018. As of writing this, I only have a few rough ideas about the design of the game. Themes likely to be included are:

  • Stealth
  • Rogue-like gameplay
  • Light fantasy setting and possibly magic

Unfortunately, I was not able to finish this before the game jam deadline. What is currently uploaded is the progress I've made before that point. I will attempt to continue work on it until it is in a condition that can be considered finished.


Arrow keys: Move
X: Jump


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i wanna jump over the wall

like no one ever has

the games physics is my real stall

to break them was my cause

i will jump across the gap

jumping high and long

each angle is to understand

my sanity far gone

its just me

i know i have gone crazy


i have no dear friends

so there are no hands to lend


a goal so true

can neither go over nor go through

you break me and I'll break you



that wall in the way

with courage i shall face

i will jump every day

to claim my rightful place

come with me and I'll show you the fight

there is no better scheme

grab on the ledge and end the plight

its always been my dream


its only me

i know its my destiny


i have no friends

im stuck in a prison that i must end


a goal so true

can neither go over nor go through

you break me and I'll break you


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this stuff is gold aha


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